Social Action
Power In Our Voice

Our Goals
When the Sorority speaks of social action we are speaking about ACTION. We work to address issues that affect public policy, economic viability and social justice. We promote leadership, advocacy, and empowerment, among members to bring about effective solutions to challenges. We establish positions on emerging or perennial public issues.

Call Your Local Legislator's Office. Aides can provide details on the bill, at what point the bill is in the legislative pipeline and sometimes even authorities' pro and con on the bill.
Visit the Florida Legislator's Website. Visit "Online Sunshine" at www.leg.state.fl.us/ to search for House and/or Senate bills. Select the seal for one of the congressional chambers. On the House of Representatives site, a floating "Find a Bill" tab will appear on the right side of the page. On the Senate site, there is a link to register for an account to track bills.
Additional Tips: (1) Senate bills will have even numbers; House bills have odd numbers. (2) Each bill has a history that tells what occurred at each stop in the process of going to the full House and Senate for vote.(3) Only one in four bills becomes law, and many bills get significantly altered throughout their lifecycle. (4) To get the most accurate information on its present state, review the last action taken on a bill. (5) The staff for a particular bill's sponsor can tell you what has happened to it. (6) You can sign up for automatic notifications for the bill(s) you are following.
How to Track

Delta Days at the Nation's Capital
Delta Days at the State Capital
Delta Days at the United Nations
--Expediently join in letter writing and phone calls to address pertinent political issues
--Encourage eligible members to run for political office and offer support
--Partner with organizations to make positive community changes
--Develop a working relationship with the Mayor to assist with taking local government to the next level